The Management Authority for Regional Operational Program (MA-ROP) released for public consultation the “Guidelines for Applicants – General conditions for accessing funding within the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020″.
POR 2014-2020 have as estimated approval date June 2015 and projects proposals submission supposes to start in September 2015.
Overall funding of POR 2014-2020 is 8,250 million Euro, the budget having an increase of 76.8% comparing with 2007-2013 financial exercise.
Also compared to the previous financial exercise, ROP brings as novelties the promotion of technology transfer, increase the energy efficiency in public buildings and support the economic and social regeneration of deprived communities in urban areas.
To the extent that you intend to implement with grants your future investments projects of these kinds, Wieser Consult team offers the required expertise and experience for successful projects. Elaboration of quality projects requires a certain preparation period, thus we recommend that you contact us in due time in order to develop your projects.