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Wieser Consult is partener in DIONYSUS project



Funding stream:
Danube Transnational Programme 2014-2020

The Danube (and sea) ports are extremely important for the economic development of the Danube region. They present an opportunity for increase in the trade of goods, growth in the field of ecology and creating jobs in it. That’s why investments in the inland waterway ports (incl. railway, road and sea connections) will have to conform to the surrounding transport infrastructure and regional development plans.

Improvement in the port infrastructure and in the services provided by it are crucial for reducing transport costs. This will increase connectivity, facilitate trade and will stimulate the trade flows in the Danube region.

About the project:

Project Dionysus officially started on July 1st, 2020, as a result of the cooperation between port administrations and operators, business associations, academic circles and the national authorities of the Danube countries. The project is managed by Pro Danube Romania, financed via the Danube Transnational Programme and is a continuation of project DAPhNE. DIONYSUS’ aim is to solve the basic regional challenges in the planning and managing of port infrastructure, facilitate the integration of the Danube region towards the smart and sustainable multimodal transport chains.

DIONYSUS will help with drafting policies for the development of the Danube transport corridor. The team will analyse the existing railway and road infrastructure for access to Danube ports, will mark the disadvantages in it and give recommendations for their elimination.

Plans will be drafted for the development of Danube ports, operating business models for qulity and sustainable development of the region, as well as mechanisms for attracting investments in it.

A General Plan for the River Cruise Industry will also be developed.

All project results will be in line with the specific transport objectives of the EU, TEN-T and the Cohesion Policy, turning DIONYSUS in a main tool for implementing the The European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR).

Period of implementation: 01.07.2020 – 31.12.2022

Wieser Consult is a partner in the project in which it shares its experience and expertise in the field of agribusiness.


Are you interested in the DIONYSUS project? Contact us for details.




Dionysus Newsletter #5 09.2022


DIONYSUS_3rd eNewsletter_12.2021

DIONYSUS_Capitalisation Factsheet_2021

DIONYSUS_Danube Ports Handbook Edition 2021


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Wieser Consult este partener în proiectul DIONYSUS



Flux de finanțare:

Programul Transnațional Dunărea 2014-2020


Porturile dunărene (și maritime) sunt extrem de importante pentru dezvoltarea economică a regiunii Dunării. Ele prezintă o oportunitate de creștere a comerțului cu mărfuri, creștere în domeniul ecologiei și crearea de locuri de muncă în acesta. De aceea, investițiile în porturile de pe căile navigabile interioare (inclusiv conexiuni feroviare, rutiere și maritime) vor trebui să se conformeze infrastructurii de transport din jur și planurilor de dezvoltare regională.

Îmbunătățirea infrastructurii portuare și a serviciilor oferite de aceasta este crucială pentru reducerea costurilor de transport. Acest lucru va crește conectivitatea, va facilita comerțul și va stimula fluxurile comerciale din regiunea Dunării.

Despre proiect:

Proiectul Dionysus a început oficial la 1 iulie 2020, ca urmare a cooperării dintre administrațiile și operatorii portuari, asociațiile de afaceri, cercurile academice și autoritățile naționale ale țărilor dunărene. Proiectul este gestionat de Pro Danube România, finanțat prin Programul Transnațional Dunărea și este o continuare a proiectului DAPhNE. Scopul DIONYSUS este de a rezolva provocările regionale de bază în planificarea și gestionarea infrastructurii portuare, facilitarea integrării regiunii Dunării în lanțurile de transport multimodale inteligente și durabile.

DIONYSUS va ajuta la elaborarea politicilor de dezvoltare a coridorului de transport al Dunării. Echipa va analiza infrastructura feroviară și rutieră existentă pentru accesul în porturile dunărene, va marca dezavantajele din aceasta și va da recomandări pentru eliminarea acestora.

Vor fi elaborate planuri de dezvoltare a porturilor dunărene, modele de operare de afaceri pentru calitate și dezvoltare durabilă a regiunii, precum și mecanisme de atragere a investițiilor în aceasta.

De asemenea, va fi elaborat un Plan general pentru industria de croaziere fluviale.

Toate rezultatele proiectului vor fi în conformitate cu obiectivele specifice de transport ale UE, TEN-T și Politica de Coeziune, transformând DIONYSUS într-un instrument principal pentru implementarea Strategiei Uniunii Europene pentru Regiunea Dunării (EUSDR).

Perioada de implementare: 01.07.2020 – 31.12.2022

Wieser Consult este partener în proiectul în cadrul caruia împărtășește experiența și expertiza sa în domeniul agribusiness.


Sunteți interesat de proiectul DIONYSUS? Contactați-ne pentru detalii.




Dionysus Newsletter #5 09.2022


DIONYSUS_3rd eNewsletter_12.2021

DIONYSUS_Capitalisation Factsheet_2021

DIONYSUS_Danube Ports Handbook Edition 2021




Launch for Axis 1 POC – Research, Technological Development and Innovation, from June 27, 2015

The National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation – Intermediary Body RESEARCH announced it is lunching competitions for the sections A-G of the Applicant unique guide for Axis 1 of Operational Program Competitiveness respectively “Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RDI) in support of economic competitiveness and business development”.

Registration of project proposals can be carried out starting on June 27, 2015, according with the announcement published by the National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation.

The announcement, competitions calendar and guides are published  here.


POR – General Terms Applicant Guide, launched for public consultation

The Management Authority for Regional Operational Program (MA-ROP) released for public consultation the “Guidelines for Applicants – General conditions for accessing funding within the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020″.

POR 2014-2020 have as estimated approval date June 2015 and projects proposals submission supposes to start in September 2015.

Overall funding of POR 2014-2020 is 8,250 million Euro, the budget having an increase of 76.8% comparing with 2007-2013 financial exercise.

Also compared to the previous financial exercise, ROP brings as novelties the promotion of technology transfer, increase the energy efficiency in public buildings and support the economic and social regeneration of deprived communities in urban areas.

To the extent that you intend to implement with grants your future investments projects of these kinds, Wieser Consult team offers the required expertise and experience for successful projects. Elaboration of quality projects requires a certain preparation period, thus we recommend that you contact us in due time in order to develop your projects.


It was launched the session for application for funding for the first measures of the NRDP 2014 – 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development held the conference for launch the session for application for funding, for the first measures of the NRDP 2014-2020, namely:
– Sub-measure 4.1 “Investment in agricultural holdings”
– Sub-measure 6.1 “Support for young farmers”
– Sub-measures 19.1 “Support for preparation of the local rural development strategies (LEADER)”

In other words, the potential beneficiaries of EU funds are expected to submit projects eligible for funding under these measures.

To the extent that for future investments you intend to submit projects to benefit from European funding in the NRDP 2014-2020, please contact us to start discussions to ensure that we make your projects possible.


Applicants Guidelines were published in the final version for the first measures of the NRDP 2014 – 2020

The Agency for Funding Rural Investment (AFIR) has published on its website the launch announcement between March 25 – October 30, 2015, for the first annual session for submission of applications for sub-measure 4.1 and for sub-measure 6.1 of the NRDP (see announcement here).

Also AFIR announces for the period March 25, 2015 – May 8, 2015 the first session for submitting applications for funding under the NRDP sub-measure 19.1 (see announcement here).

Applicant Guides together with their annexes, in the final version, were also published and can be found on the website AFIR for these sub-measures:

– Sub-measure 4.1 “Investment in agricultural holdings”

– Sub-measure 6.1 “Support for young farmers”

– Sub-measures 19.1 “Support for preparatory rural development strategies”

Contact us to the extent that for your future investments you intend to submit projects to benefit from EU funding under this sub-measures.


Romania will receive up to mid-April the letter of compliance from the EC to open NRDP 2014-2020

Romania will receive up to mid-April, the letter of compliance from the European Commission to open the NRDP 2014-2020, and by early May all appropriate authorities will be able to launch the program, according with the statement of Minister of Agriculture, Daniel Constantin, statement from the end of the meeting with the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Phil Hogan. Asked about the causes of delays in terms of approving the NRDP 2014-2020 for Romania, Phil Hogan said that many countries are in this situation, including his country, Ireland.


Source: , click  here  for details.

The first guide from Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020 in public consultation

Ministry of European Funds, the Managing Authority of Operational Program Competitiveness 2014-2020 and the Intermediate Body for Research of the National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation launched for public consultations unique Applicants Guide – Priority Axis 1 “Research, Technological Development and Innovation support economic competitiveness and business development “ .

The document will be the basis of appeals launched under Priority Axis 1 of this program, namely:

  • Investment for research and development departments of companies;
  • Innovation clusters;
  • Innovative business start-up and spin-off;
  • Innovative start-ups;
  • Attracting staff with advanced skills from abroad;
  • Investment projects for R&D public institutions / universities;
  • Knowledge Transfer Partnerships.

Source: Ministry of European Funds

Opening session for applications for agreements of funding within State Aid Schemes according with Gov. Decision no. 807/2014 and Gov. Decision no.332/2014

Ministry of Finance announces:

  • the opening of the second session for applications for funding under GD. 332/2014 on the establishment of a state aid scheme to support investments that promote regional development by creating jobs, as amended and supplemented, which will take place during 02.02-27.02.2015. The budget session of 450 million lei.
  • In accordance with the Law on State Budget for 2015 – 186/2014,  the annual budget for the State Aid Scheme established by GD no. 807/2014 for the establishment of a state aid scheme aimed at stimulating investment in the economy with major impact, for issuing funding agreements for 2015 is 450  million lei.

Details on

Source: Ministry of Finance